The most successful project in the modern history of the Karlín Music Theatre is back!
The musical Carmen by the internationally acclaimed American composer Frank Wildhorn was seen by almost three hundred thousand spectators after its world premiere in Prague! A platinum record for 12,000 music sales! The beautiful melodies of the musical Carmen and the thrilling story of love and betrayal in a great cast will be performed again from October 2015 on the stage of the Karlín Music Theatre. Carmen is back in the original cast.
With Carmen came to Prague in 2008 a spectacular Broadway-style theatrical spectacle that included daring circus acts. The star-studded cast and Frank Wildhorn's beautiful music made for an experience that Prague had never known before. For the first time ever, a work by renowned Broadway authors was staged in Prague in a world premiere!
The new version of the theme, written for the Karlín Music Theatre by a trio of experienced American authors, is not the same as the original book or opera. It is not a "modern version" of Carmen, but a story "inspired" by Carmen.