Trapl Tomáš

Trapl Tomáš

TOMÁŠ TRAPL is one of the most important and versatile personalities of the Czech musical scene. The beginnings of his artistic activities date back to the mid-1980s. A graduate of opera singing at the State Conservatory and the Academy of Performing Arts, he made a significant impression during his first productions, when he began singing with the Dobrý Večer Quintet. For many years he was a favourite collaborator of J. Suchý in the SEMAFOR theatre. Fans of this theatre still remember his great acting and singing performances in the shows Výhybka, Kytice, Nižnij Novgorod, etc. He successfully performed in two productions that were of groundbreaking importance for the further development of this genre on the Czech stage. In Les Misérables he was Enjolras and in Jesus Christ Superstar he was an excellent Judas. It is only a slight exaggeration to say that there has not been a top musical on Prague stages in which T. Trapl has not performed. For example: Dracula, The Pied Piper, Cleopatra, The Three Musketeers, Galileo, Miss Saigon, Hamlet, The Golem, Angelica, The Well-Paid Walk, The Secret, Carmen, Baron Laughing Man, The Soap-Maker, Quasimodo, The Key of Kings, Casanova, Mamma Mia! We must also not forget his teaching activities at the Prague Conservatory and DAMU, where he teaches performance and singing.

Archive of roles

Curtis Shank
Sister Act

In what he is currently playing


Jester, servant, professor
