Vlas Jan

Vlas Jan

After his engagement in the theatres of Cheb Peter Bezruč Theatre, he has been working as a freelancer for a long time with Karlín Theatre, Kalich Theatre, National Moravian-Silesian Theatre, Olomouc Theatre. Currently, he can be seen in the musicals Jesus Christ Superstar, West Side Story, The Pied Piper, Alice in Wonderland. Queen of the Pocket, Rebecca, Snow Queen or The Producers. In the summer months you can see him at Shakespeare festivals, or at the Kampa Theatre in Werich or Forman. In his spare time, he enjoys rowing, gardening and sheep farming.

Archive of roles

King Mirek
Queen Kapeska
Alenka v říši divů

In what he is currently playing

Sněhová královna


Sněhová královna
Močál Story

mushroom picker, fireman, Jenda Benda, Tramp Tony

Močál Story
Kapka medu pro Verunku

King Miroslav - Popelkov

Kapka medu pro Verunku
Leoš Janáček - Černý anděl, bílý čert

Rudolf Těsnohlídek, Jožka Úprka, otec Schulz

Leoš Janáček - Černý anděl, bílý čert