MgA. Chuhei Iwasaki DiS. DiS. DiS. (yes, he has the title of DiS. three times), was born on the exact day of his birthday. As a young boy, he wanted to be a dinosaur, but later in high school he found out that this would be a very complicated path, not only from a biological point of view. His other dreams were to become an Isuzu KL -V280L1 bus, a duck, a ring-necked penguin or a European bison. Finally, as of 2017, MgA. Chuhei Iwasaki DiS. DiS. DiS. (yes, he has held the title DiS. three times), however, has been working as a conductor at the Karlín Music Theatre, and since 2019 he has also been working at the Pilsen Philharmonic, where he has been the chief conductor since the 2020/2021 season. Skills MgA. Chuhei Iwasaki DiS. DiS. DiS. (yes, he has the title DiS. three times) are very limited. He still cannot speak Hunzibi or Hindi, and didoic languages are generally not his forte. He can't even turn water into wine and vice versa. He still hasn't succeeded in any of his many attempts to walk on water. He can't cook Ghormeh Sabzi, nor does he know exactly what it is. He doesn't have a driver's license.