recital of classical chansons by Hana Hegerová
The Songs of Hannah is not a production of the Karlín Musical Theatre. The organizer is S. Nálepková
Světlana Nálepková introduces a recital of classical chanso by Hana Hegerova, with beautiful lyrics by Pavel Kopta, Michal Horáček and Milan Lasica, such as Lásko prokletá, Pojď dál, Lásko má, Cesta, Maestro tango, Čerešně, Denim blue, Vana plná vialek and many others, the recital is accompanied by a new visual projection.
Světlana Nálepková comes up with her tenth dramatic and musical project in her own production. Her other most successful independent projects include Snow White on a Trampoline, Tenhleten Manhattan, Marlene, Love is a Fata Morgana, I am a Girl Born to Rhythm, Edith Piaf, A Good Year, Frida Kahlo - Cabaret of Life, All My Loves...
Světlana continues in the spirit of chansons, having admired and loved them since she was a child. Now she is fulfilling her dream - to sing the songs of Hana Hegerova, which have always been close to her heart.
Premiere Oct 21, 2023, 7.30pm