ART AROUND Contemporary Gala performances by children and young people contemporary dance dancers , stream and disco from the renowned Contemporary studio - space for dance.
Contemporary Gala featuring children's and young dancers of contemporary dance, stream and disco from the renowned Contemporary studio-a space for dance.
Children enjoy the stage where many of their dance teachers have performed before them.This year's final defile follows the Xmas World. The latter focused on Christmas customs from different countries. Art Around refers to their art and cultural references to the world.Contemporary-space for dance is a renowned dance studio for children and adults in Prague on Náměstí Míru. It has been educating children in its dance program for more than 20 years. Its dancers have successfully presented themselves at competitions in several disciplines.
The Contemporary Community component in contemporary dance, Elements Community in street dance and Disco Community in disco dance.In addition to regular classes, the studio organizes dance workshops and camps for students with Czech and foreign teachers.
It also pays attention to the individual personal growth and cultural cultivation of its charges. From his young dance talents grows a group of multi-genre dancers Elite Community.The quality of teaching is based on a fine-tuned team of teachers. An obvious criterion for the teachers is methodological equipment, preferably after graduating in dance pedagogy at the HAMU in Prague, active dance professionalism and joy of working with children. The studio also provides facilities for rehearsals and choreography for Czech dance companies and provides space for unique international dance, movement and theatre projects or workshops.Contemporary-space for dance is also open to children outside of Prague and operates several branches in Central and Eastern Bohemia.